

What is it?

Sciatica refers to pain that runs from the buttocks and along the back of your leg, whilst it’s usually only in one leg it can occasionally be both legs.

It occurs when the sciatic nerve becomes trapped which can happen for a variety of reasons, common causes include a disc herniation or entrapment as the nerve passes through the piriformis muscle.

Common symptoms

  • Aching, burning or shooting pain down the back of the leg 

  • Numbness 

  • Weakness in the leg 

  • Worsening pain after a long walk 

  • Increase in symptoms after sneezing or coughing 


Here at The Woodstock Chiropractor, we always carry out an in-depth medical history followed by a thorough physical examination where the function of your nerves and muscles will be tested, the mobility of your joints and then specialised orthopaedic tests are used to confirm the cause of your sciatica. 

Types of treatment 

Our Chiropractors tailor all of their treatment plans to you as an individual.

We use a variety of different treatment modalities including; manual therapy, mobility stretches, strength and conditioning exercises and medical acupuncture.

The techniques used are aimed at not only alleviating your symptoms and increasing your mobility but addressing the cause of your problem.

We want every patient to fulfil their potential.