Tennis/Golfers Elbow

Tennis elbow, golfers elbow, elbow pain, epicondylitis

What is it?

Tennis elbow and Golfer’s elbow, known clinically as lateral epicondylitis and medial epicondylitis respectively, are repetitive strain injuries that occur either side of the elbow.

Tennis elbow is due to overuse of the forearm muscles which causes inflammation on the outside of the elbow where the tendon attaches to the bone.

Golfer’s elbow is very similar but the pain is located on the inside of the elbow. 

As the name suggests they are most common but not exclusive to individuals who play golf and tennis. Some occupations that involve forceful repetitive actions such as plumbing or carpentry can also increase your chances of developing tennis/golfer’s elbow. 


  • Pain or tenderness either side of the elbow 

  • Stiffness when making a fist 

  • Weakness in the hand or wrist 

  • Occasionally numbness or tingling in the hands or fingers 

Diagnosing Tennis/Golfers Elbow

Here at The Woodstock Chiropractor, we always carry out an in-depth medical history followed by a thorough physical examination where we test the function of your nerves and muscles and then the mobility of your joints as well as using specialised orthopaedic and neurological tests to locate the exact cause of your pain. 

We have an excellent relationship with local radiography departments and can refer for X-rays, MRI or CT if clinically necessary.

Types of treatment  

Our Chiropractors tailor all of their treatment plans to you as an individual. We use a variety of different treatment modalities including; manual therapy, mobility stretches, strength and conditioning exercises and medical acupuncture. The techniques used are aimed at not only alleviating your symptoms and increasing your mobility but addressing the cause of your problem.

We want every patient to fulfil their potential.