Should I stretch? Whats the point?!

The Woodstock Chiropractor, stretching, yoga, pilates, low back pain, chiropractic, Scroggs

Stretching? Is it important?

Many people believe stretching is only for runners or gymnasts, however, stretching should be performed regularly and an important part of your daily routine as it provides many benefits to both your mind and body. 

Decreased risk of injury 

When muscles are flexible, they are less susceptible to injury because when placed under stress they have the ability to stretch and less force is placed on the tendons and the joint. 

Increased performance 

In order for muscles to generate maximum force they must first lengthen, if a muscle can’t do this then it’s often described as inhibited because it can’t produce enough power. This is why stretching is an essential aspect of any athletes training regime. 

Decreased stress 

Taking a few minutes out of your day to stretch can be an excellent way to destress! Make sure to take a big breath in and then exhale slowly whilst performing the stretch. 

Prevent headaches

According to a recent study, 25-35% of people have tension headaches at least once a month. Tension headaches are caused by tight musculature around the neck and shoulders which is preventable with regular stretching. 

Better posture

Stretching is an easy way to improve your posture, many people struggle with poor posture and this is often a result of tight muscles. If you are unsure what stretches will be beneficial then ask your chiropractor! 

So, how do I stretch correctly? 

  • Avoid bouncing, many people like to add a bounce to their stretch however this should be avoided as it can overstretch the muscle and potentially lead to a small tear in the muscle or tendon. 

  • Each stretch should be held for 15 to 20 seconds and repeated 3 times, any less than this and you may not feel the benefit. 

  • Remember to do both sides! A common mistake is to only stretch on one side which can lead to muscle imbalance.

Remember! The Woodstock Chiropractor has a YouTube channel and many of our favourite stretches and routines are available for you to watch.