The benefits of maintaining a strong core:

Maintaining a strong core is an important part of overall health and well-being, as it helps to improve posture, balance, and stability. It can also help to reduce the risk of injury and improve athletic performance.

When it comes to strengthening your core, it’s not just about doing crunches or planks—it’s about working the muscles that support your spine in order to maintain good posture and proper alignment throughout the body. A strong core includes the abdominal muscles (rectus abdominis), obliques, lower back muscles (erector spinae) and even hip flexors (iliopsoas).

A strong core is essential for everyday activities such as lifting objects, bending down, or twisting your torso. Additionally, a strong core can help you perform better in physical activities such as running or playing sports. Core strength provides stability which helps to prevent injury while competing or exercising. Having a strong core can also help to improve endurance since the trunk is being supported through dynamic movements rather than relying solely on arm and leg power alone.

Stronger muscles are also linked to better coordination and improved proprioception (the ability to sense where one’s body parts are in space). This means that having a stronger core can lead to improved balance and agility in sport-specific movements like throwing or jumping.

Finally, having a strong core can also have positive effects on mental health. Core muscle strength has been linked with improved confidence and self-esteem due to feeling more physically capable when engaging in activity or exercise. Additionally, stronger abdominal muscles can help reduce stress levels due to improved breathing efficiency which oxygenates the brain more effectively leading to clearer thinking and reduced stress levels.

In conclusion, having a strong core offers numerous advantages when it comes to sports performance as well as everyday activities such as standing upright with ease or lifting heavy objects without putting strain on the back. Maintaining a strong core contributes greatly towards maintaining good posture while improving balance, coordination, agility and proprioception. Finally, there are also mental benefits associated with having a stronger core such as higher self-esteem and reduced stress levels due to improved breathing efficiency.

Tune your Immune System...

The immune system…. Can we influence it?

Our body… what an amazing piece of machinery it is, it has lots of systems and mechanisms that need to work cohesively in order for us to survive!  Many of you will be aware (particularly since this is a really hot topic currently!) of an important system the body possesses, the immune system. 

So, what is it made up of?

The immune system comprises of organs, cells, tissues and proteins.  A combined effort of all these components help to ward off foreign bodies such as bacteria and viruses that cause infection and disease. 

As we go through life, picking up germs, bacteria and certain pathogens along the way, the body has a way of remembering what it has seen, therefore, creating immunity, a bit like building a small army. 

What can you do to help ourselves and boost our immunity during periods of uncertainty and stress…?


Getting a good night sleep will help the body recharge! Studies have shown that at least 7 hours of sleep per night will benefit the body, encouraging a restorative and recharge effect!  Struggling to relax….? Consider using breathing techniques such as “Diaphragmatic breathing” (big belly breath in for 5 through the nose and release for 10 seconds out the mouth, nice and steady) In addition to this, good sleep hygiene is essential regardless, putting down digital equipment at least an hour before bed for example. 

An overburden of stress to the system can decrease the body’s ability to be prepared to ward off illness.  Constant stress initiates the fight or flight mechanism the body possess to protect itself, which, over time will fatigue and lower resilience, therefore, increasing chances of becoming unwell. 

stress, mental health

Some things to consider… where possible:

  1. Practice self-care: whether that is 10mins in a comfortable quiet spot having some time out to pay attention to the small things, this could be focussing on one sound from a bird in the garden, looking at the steam drifting up from your coffee cup. 

  2. Talk! speaking to those close to you of any worries you may be experiencing (problem shared is a problem halved).

  3. Fighting those urges to rely on unhealthy options of dealing with stress such as smoking, alcohol and food in high sugar content! (although…small piece of dark chocolate doesn’t hurt in moderation!)

Vitamin C – Try to get plenty of this into your diet through fruit and veg (Oranges and Kiwis are high in Vit C).  Although, these won’t stop you from getting illness’, research shows that it can help boost the immune system!  If you did get a cold, having a balanced diet with vitamins C can help reduce the time in which it takes you to recover!

Did you know… Blueberries are classed as a superfood!  They contain a type of flavonoid called Anthocyanin.  Current research is finding that flavonoids help to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and generally good for weight maintenance!  (Taken in moderation of course ;)) An additional bonus here…other helpful aspects of blueberries are the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant actions they also bring to the table! 

diet, vitamin C, health

Get that heart rate up, stretch out and keep moving!  The health benefits from exercise is 10-fold!  Ranging from mental to physical wellbeing!  Get those endorphins circulating and boosting that positivity – it will help to relax you, increase focus on tasks at hand and allow for a more upbeat you!  

Ultimately, make sure you get outside, enjoy the fresh air and sunshine (when she decides to visit, its full of Vitamin D. another essential vitamin the body loves!)

Remember to follow us on Facebook and Instagram for updates and tips and tricks on how to stay healthy! We are here to look after you! 

Chiropractor near me, coronavirus, physiotherapist near me, pain, headache, shoulders, immune system

Keep smiling, keep positive, be awesome!