
Debunking Common Chiropractic Myths

Despite chiropractic being around since 1895 and undergoing significant developments, there are many misconceptions. This blog aims to debunk some of the most common myths surrounding this treatment technique.

Myth 1: Chiropractic is painful

Chiropractic care aims to alleviate the pain and discomfort you are experiencing in your daily life. Although you may experience some discomfort during the treatment, the aim is to relieve your pain, not further it. If a patient experiences particular discomfort during treatment, that modality is immediately stopped. Following treatment, you may also feel some mild soreness (similar to that after a good workout), but this should lessen in 24 hours and be less frequent with a few more visits. 

Myth 2: The sound is your bones cracking

When people think of chiropractic care, they often associate it with cracking and popping sounds, and instantly believe the bones produce those noises. However, these sounds are due to small pockets of air being released from the fluid surrounding your joints as they are stretched during the treatment (think of it as bubble wrap). Furthermore, these noises are not the be-all and end-all of the treatment. The chiropractor is more interested in achieving movement in the joints than creating a popping noise.

Myth 3: Chiropractic is just for your back

Chiropractors are known primarily for treating back issues, but are educated on many areas of the human body. Chiropractic is an efficient treatment option for many neurological and orthopaedic issues (i.e. tennis elbow and plantar fasciitis). The chiropractor may focus on the spine for aspects of treatment, but this is due to the nervous system stemming directly from it.

Myth 4: You can adjust yourself

This can be dangerous, as you will not only be ineffective, but can also increase the pain you are experiencing. Although you may recreate the pops and cracks yourself at home, you will not be targeting the joints most in need of further mobility, so you will not achieve the same results. Chiropractors are trained professionals educated in applying the right force in the right direction to ensure that the treatment is as effective and pain-free as possible. 

Myth 5: Once you start chiropractic treatment, you will need it for the rest of your life

Although chiropractic isn’t a one-hit wonder, it does not require you to dedicate your whole life to receiving treatment. When a chiropractor first sees you, they will decide on a care plan tailored to you, your condition and your goals. Following the completion of this original plan of care, it is recommended that you return for regular chiropractic care to help maintain a healthy lifestyle, similar to your routine visits to the dentist or GP. However, this decision is completely up to you.

How can chiropractic care help with stress and anxiety?

If you are suffering from anxiety and stress, there are many in the same boat as you. These are synonymous with the modern-day lifestyle. As the cases are on the rise worldwide, people are questioning what they can do to avoid or manage the symptoms of these conditions. Many of them are turning to chiropractic care to manage the physical symptoms of anxiety, depression and stress – and they are having success.  

First let’s discuss how stress and anxiety can cause physical symptoms. When the body is in a state of stress it releases a chemical called cortisol which puts your body into ‘fight or flight’ mode. To do this, it will tense your muscles so they are ready action and able to deal with the potential stress ahead. In short bursts this is fantastic coping mechanism however if this stress becomes chronic it can manifest itself with physical symptoms.

Whilst this can be different for everyone, common physical symptoms include muscle stiffness, inability to relax, headaches, fatigue, and muscle pain. These physical symptoms only add to the mental health issues attached to anxiety and stress. Chiropractic care can help to alleviate these symptoms and reduce the struggle of dealing with stress and anxiety.

After conducting a full case history and physical examination your chiropractor will be able to identify how they can help with your physical symptoms. Chiropractors are specialists in treating musculoskeletal (muscle and bone) issues and use a variety of different techniques to do so, such as dry needling, trigger point therapy and chiropractic manipulation as well as providing a comprehensive exercise rehabilitation plan to aid in your recovery at home. 

So, whilst chiropractic cannot get rid of stress or anxiety it can go a long way in helping to alleviate many of the physical symptoms that are caused by stress and anxiety.

What even is 'Core'?!

Think of your core muscles as the sturdy central link in a chain connecting your upper and lower body, like an anatomical bridge.

The ‘core’, from a muscular standpoint, is so much more than just a solid six-pack! It essentially includes any and every muscle that moves the trunk and aids in maintaining a stable and neutral spine. In fact, a strong, flexible core underpins almost everything you do from sitting at your desk to gym workouts or gardening and even balance.

Increasing core stability can help reach goals such as improving athletic performance, reducing lower back pain and injury, improving muscular endurance… and developing those abs!