Desk work? How should you be sitting?

For many, changing work positions from office to home is highly likely at this uncertain time, therefore, getting up and moving is even more essential! 

Statistically, (research is consistently confirming this also), that occupational sitting or being a desk-based worker increases your susceptibility of neck ache, tense shoulders, mid- low back pain and a rise in posture related headaches.  Although, this may not be an issue in early stages, poor seating/ working posture over time causes muscles to fatigue and become less efficient.  Therefore, the more fatigued they become, the earlier pain and discomfort will arise during your working day.  Similar to, the less sleep you have the grumpier you become ;) 

Some points to consider when setting your desk up….

  1. Sit with your back against the back of the chair 

  2. If you are using an office chair, then the seat should have a slight recline to it.

  3. Ensure that your weight is evenly distributed across your bottom (sorry people no crossing those legs)

  4. No arm rest on the seat, this disables the ability to tuck yourself under the desk to be the correct distance. 

  5. Your knees should be slightly lower than your hips

  6. Feet flat on the floor….  Can’t reach the floor?  Obtain a foot rest. 

  7. Screen at eye level – those with laptops will need to adapt this, consider a separate keyboard (Laptops are less than ideal, why?  because they cause forward head posture, which increases neck and low back tension)

  8. Try to get up and move every 20mins 

Although, the above is helpful and guidelines for an ‘idyllic desk/sitting posture’, honestly, we are not designed to sit all day! This is why fidgeting and movement in paramount, anything to stop the load constantly accumulating in the same spots causing those muscles to become chronically fatigued. 

If you have the option or access to a vary-height desks are a great idea for this reason, so you can sit, stand or perch mid-height to spare your back and neck.  There has been a lot of research for these types of desks, and are proving to provide valuable research data in reducing back related sick days from work. 

Feel you’re experiencing this type of discomfort, based around your work life – get in touch, we are experienced in this type of postural change and can help relieve pain and give you the best toolkit to help combat it!